• Introducing

    Flexible Asset Tracking

    IDALLOGY offers flexible & multi-functional solution to automatically track Inventory, Assets, and Evidence targeting Public Safety agencies & First Responders

  • RFID made Easy

    Seamless, Scalable, Accessible

    We offer scalable solutions for the real-time tracking of assets and audit capability in a simple and accessible format.

We Are


We are a ‘one-stop’ RFID consultation and provisioning company committed to resolving the challenges related to the “real- time” management of your critical assets and equipment.
Our software uses RFID technology to automate the entire ‘borrowing’ process by tracking real-time ‘which’ items were borrowed, ‘who’ the borrowers were, and ‘when’ the item(s) were both borrowed and expected back.
We notify you IMMEDIATELY when there are any discrepancies to your borrowing processes. This may include situations where unauthorized persons are accessing your specialized equipment/ items, assets are overdue or not returned, as well as our use of maintenance reminders to keep you cognizant of which items require servicing based on your custom requirements.
We at ID.ALLOGY proudly support all law enforcement, military, and any other agency/ organization dedicated to maintaining public health & safety.

Operational Benefits


Accurate Inventory of Assets/ Evidence Continuity


Accountability: Support for Responsible Use by Personnel


Safety- Equipment Maintained and Reliable (LCM)


Efficiency in sign-in/ out Process for Emergency Services Needing 24hr Coverage


Ease of Use

Costs Savings

Risk Aversion


Our Team